Monday, May 26, 2008

I'm not slacking

Well technically its Monday, very early in the morning on Monday... But I haven't been to sleep yet so it is still Sunday in my book. I did not go to the gym today for two reasons.... First of all, I haven't had a day off this week and secondly because I have the worst sun burn in the history of earth! I'm so hot, burning flesh sucks! Anyway another thing I didn't think of is that the Y is closed on Monday for memorial day. Not going to the gym for two days in a row is not the end of the world but I feel kind of guilty... not really.

So the first ten or so pounds came off as easy as my pants do after a long day at work (hanging out in your underwear is the best thing after a long day). So I'm assuming those first 10lbs were probably water... Now this shit is getting hard. But, I'm gonna keep on keepin' on... ya know?

The book I'm following says no lifting weights until after phase 2 which is a little over two weeks from now. I really like lifting weights, so that blows. I think this week I'm gonna try doing like 20-30 minutes of cardio and then an aquacise class. Someone told me that if you switch up your workout periodically its better for weight loss.... I wonder if this is true.

Any tips would be appreciated.

I talked to my friend Jaci B. on facebook chat tonight. That was so nice... I haven't spoken to her in FOREVER! We talked about all kinds of crap... Reminds me that I really want to get back into regular contact with my Maryville friends.

Anyway, I'm tired and I'm done.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Pain in my... leg?!

About 30 minutes into my workout on the treadmill this afternoon I got the worst cramp in my leg. When I say worst, I'm not exaggerating at all... This cramp was so horrible that the pain radiated all the way down into my big toe before starting over again just below my knee. I could have easily mistaken this pain for someone ripping my calf muscle away from my body with their bare hands. I made it to 50 minutes before I got off the treadmill and dragged my dead leg back to the car... The cramping is gone now. I think using a cardio machine other than the treadmill may be a good idea. Tomorrow I will split up my workout, half on the treadmill and half on the elliptical machine. Hopefully this helps...

I haven't weighed myself today and I don't plan to weigh myself until Tuesday. I don't know how I feel about this quite yet... I like being able to jump on the scale and see how lunch or dinner or the workout I just got back from made a difference. With that said, not knowing what my weight is each day will hopefully push me to workout hard and stick to my diet so that I'm not disappointed at weigh in day.

Tonight was my friend Teri's going away party. She leaves for boot camp on Wednesday... Needless to say I will miss her more than I can explain. The party was fun... Her boyfriend has some really hilarious friends. Teri tried to shove cake down my throat and normally I would have let her (note my sarcasm) but tonight I put my foot down. Anyway, I love Teri and I hope boot camp is fun (I don't know if that is possible).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

It takes 7 days to form a habit... Really?

Actually it could be more like 17 days I'm not really sure. Why are bad habits so easy to form and good habits never seem to stick? It's just a cruel world I guess...

Something I really need to work on is weighing in once a week rather than 12 times a day. Now that I see the results of controlling my weight with diet and exercise I've become totally power hungry. I could really go into detail here and probably make a few of you cringe... I'm sure some of you see where I'm going with this. But, what is uber frustrating about weighing in so often? The numbers fluctuate so much!!!! One of these days I'm going to force myself to hide my scale. Plus, the anticipation of weigh-in day could be really fun, right?

I'm off to the gym... I still don't enjoy exercise. Everyday I have to drag my fat ass to the Y and talk myself into staying on that machine for 45 minutes. Does it ever get easier? Hope so...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Beginning... Kinda

May 8, 2008 I began a new diet, errr... made a lifestyle change in hopes of dropping a ton of weight that I've allowed to inhabit my body for way to long. I say a "ton" because I have ALOT to lose and at this point refuse to disclose that information to anyone. Call it insecurity if you will, I call it the makings of a mystery =P Maybe I'll be more inclined to share in the future but probably not. The only way I'd utter my weight out loud is if I was announcing it on Oprah! I'd probably do a lot of things for Oprah to be quite honest... I won't get into that now though.

So fast forward to today, May 21, 2008... Because I'm a total celeb-reality junky, I decided I should commit myself to Dr. Ian, of VH1's Celebrity Fit Club and his book, the title which I can't remember exactly, but I'm sure you can find it. This diet consists of four phases which I'll probably talk about more as I move through the phases. I have successfully made it through Phase 1, the detox. That was totally easy for me... Just really expensive. And am now beginning Phase 2 the foundation. It has been about 11 days and I have lost 13lbs, which makes my jaw hit the ground! In these past 11 days, I have worked out for all of them except 2... Currently, I am up to walking 45 minutes a time on the treadmill in the "fat burning" heart rate range... pretty cool for a fat chick like me.

Now that I've caught you all up.... I had the bright idea 5 minutes ago to document my lifestyle change for a couple of different reasons. The first being... when something gets hard, particularly dieting, I'm really awesome at giving up and not feeling a bit of remorse for being a quitter. Hopefully I can make a couple of blog buddies that are in search of mutual support and verbal abuse when said quitter attitude rears its ugly head. Secondly (and finally), it could be pretty cool to look back at my progress.

So, I hope someone decides to read and stick around as I work towards becoming "this former fat chick".