Thursday, May 22, 2008

It takes 7 days to form a habit... Really?

Actually it could be more like 17 days I'm not really sure. Why are bad habits so easy to form and good habits never seem to stick? It's just a cruel world I guess...

Something I really need to work on is weighing in once a week rather than 12 times a day. Now that I see the results of controlling my weight with diet and exercise I've become totally power hungry. I could really go into detail here and probably make a few of you cringe... I'm sure some of you see where I'm going with this. But, what is uber frustrating about weighing in so often? The numbers fluctuate so much!!!! One of these days I'm going to force myself to hide my scale. Plus, the anticipation of weigh-in day could be really fun, right?

I'm off to the gym... I still don't enjoy exercise. Everyday I have to drag my fat ass to the Y and talk myself into staying on that machine for 45 minutes. Does it ever get easier? Hope so...

1 comment:

Kate said...

You are one of my most beautiful friends, and I cannot wait to see the results! Yes, going to the gym does get easier, although it's easier if you have a buddy who depends on you going too! And hide the scale....I didn't allow myself to have one for 9months because of that checking it all the time fucks with your psyche!